
Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Under the sun

I just designed some looks about vacation in beach, while I was waiting for something. I really missed vacation because I spent my whole days for preparing the college life. Hehe. It made me bored and really really wanted to go

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Magelang day 2

We're attending the opening ceremony. But we're late, so it was kinda hard to see the ceremony.

the opening ceremony

the marching band

The students

Paskibra (Pasukan Pengibar Bendera)

The boy students

The girl students

After attending the entire events, I could finally meet my brother!

My brother asked me to take pictures of him and his friends.

Doing unimportant things can be fun

I arranged my clothes by the colours. I knew that's sooo unimportant, but I loved to do it. It could overcome the boredom.

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

magelang day 1

July 13th, My parents and I went to Magelang to visit my brother, Dito, in SMA Taruna Nusantara. We got 2 invitations for the opening ceremony of the new school year. We had planned to fly to jogja and then travel to Magelang. After checking in, we spent our time to have breakfast in a restaurant.

here is my father with his favorite tea :D
mom and her favorite coffee

after touching down Jogja, we visit aunt Ndari in hospital for a while, and then continued our journey to Magelang.

My brother with his new haircut
Luckily, we could visit him and saw his acticity at noon for a while. FYI, it was probably forbidden. Hehe.

Magelang Sky
The hotel was cozy enough to stay. Unfortunately, we couldn't enjoy the facilities much, because we always had a hectic schedule.

parents meeting
My parents were having a parents meeting, when I take the picture.

the notes

to be continued.... :D

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012


Judul buku: Ibuk
Penulis: Iwan Setyawan
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun: Juni 2012
Tebal: 293 halaman

Tinah, gadis lugu itu, tumbuh bersama tumpukan baju bekas yang dijualnya bersama Mbok Pah. Tatapannya meluluhkan hati Sim, kenek angkot, seorang playboy Pasar Batu. Seiring berjalan dengan waktu, mereka pun menikah. Perubahan yang membuat Tinah memiliki status baru, seorang Ibuk. 
Lima buah hati lahir membawa kebahagiaan bagi pasangan Ibuk dan Bapak. Kebutuhan rumah tangga yang meningkat, biaya sekolah anak-anak, angkot yang sering mogok, seringkali melelehkan air matanya. 

Iwan Setyawan mengemas kisah semasa kecilnya dalam sudut pandang sang ibuk, wanita sederhana yang memiliki tekad dan perjuangan luar biasa. Buku ini menginspirasi saya tentang pentingnya peran ibu dalam kehidupan. Di balik pria sukses, ada wanita yang luar biasa.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

some postcards

I just found some my mom's postcards from Europe in bookcase :) they looked beautiful in my photos.