Spread Your Love
Senin, 27 April 2015
The Reborn Blog
Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014
Exploring Jakarta (Part 2)
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I was standing beside the painting of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX |
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My partner and I posed between the paintings |
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Bang Andre was standing between the painting of Pratiwi Sudharmono and Imelda Marcos |
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Bang Andre and the painting of Queen Juliana. Mr Basuki Abdullah was the winner of painting contest is Netherland. He defeated 87 Europian painters. |
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Posed with wayang collection of Mr. Basuki |
Senin, 18 Agustus 2014
Exploring Jakarta (part 1)
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Having lunch with Aulia in a unique atmosphere |
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Well, I don't know what kind of fluid resuscitation is this |
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Aulia enjoyed the 'blood transfusion like' beverage Hahaha |
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Pendopo |
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Aulia and the 'Merak Dancer' kite behind her |
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Standing between kites from around the world |
Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014
Sexy Summer
Well, you know that I'm studying medicine so it's kinda hard for me to post on my blog. Today is a day off for me so I want to spend my time to write again. It's about sexy summer. I don't know wheter it's too late to write about that topic, but as for me, it's still a vacation. So, I hope you enjoy it!
Summer is related to beach, sunshine, sand, and so on. So, it's a very good time for tanning. HAHAHAHA.
NOPE. I ain't gonna post my picture in bikini... NEVER.
I just wanna share about my simple style wearing little jumpsuit which is so comfortable for me. Sexy doesn't mean that you have to show off your part of body. Sexy is a condition when you feel comfort and confident wearing your clothes. So, you're just gonna chin up and walk as who you are.
Make your days more colorful by wearing accessories and minimal make up. Show that you enjoy your look.
Jumat, 25 April 2014
The Pageant Beauty Contest and Me
Here I come back with a new story of my experience.
I am a 19-years-old medical student with my routines with books, now I wanna tell my new experience in joining pageant contest. Well, this is not the very 1st time for me to join a competition like this. But, after talking with some participants in the contest, I'm gonna admit that I am really a beginner.
Yeah, I was the favorite school ambassador but helloooo... it's too small region.
I joined a bigger competition. It was held for participant from JaBoDeTaBek (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi). It's Putera Puteri Kartini 2014.
For the first time, I expect too much that I was sure of my ability. But when I got there and met so many people with different backgrounds, I felt so small and I was not sure to continue the next audition. There's so many pretty, intelligent, gorgeous women in the audition. Oh my God! I even thought to just go home and leave the audition.
But, my mom kept supporting me and told me to be confident. So, I considered not to be a loser before I begin to try. So, I face all part of audition in two days. I obeyed all the rules. And tried my best. Really. My motivation to join this contest is just to have an experience. I was sure that joining this contest will bring me a better change. I didn't expect to win, but I just don't wanna be looked like a dumb. So, I was trying a bit harder. I read some news and articles that will give me so many important information about social, politics, and economics. I tried to do make up on myself, wore fake eyelashes. Huh!
Then the commitee announced the result for big 15 finalist. My heart beated a bit fast. And,
YEAH! I was chosen as a finalist!
On that moment, I felt so confused. I really wanted to move to the next step as being a finalist but I was not sure that my college will permit.
On the next day, I tried my best to give the permission letter to my faculty dean and head of medical education program, but they didn't give permit for a competition which is not related to medicine. SO, I RESIGNED AND I WAS SO SAD.
So sad. But I just knew that it was not my competence, realizing that I was born as a doctor and I have to focuss on it. But I don't regret because by doing this competition I know that I have to open my mind to the world outside the college. And I learn how to be confident and how to respect myself.
By joining the contest, I know that I have so many talents to develop. But somehow, I am now in the situation which force myself to focuss on my college. :( sad, but suddenly I realize that God create me with so many talents on myself. It makes me feel a bit better. Now I can respect myself. I don't blame myself on failure anymore because I have faith to wake up and move and grow and shine with all potential inside me.
Thank God for every lesson in my life.
Sabtu, 21 September 2013
Style seems like art sometimes
Hi everyone!
I miss posting on this blog so much. In this 3rd semester, I have lectures six days in a week. It starts at 7 a.m until 4 p.m. And afer that, I have a meeting sometimes. Now I will start to post during my daily. I promise.
Sunday, september 15th, was my birthday. I've been 19 years old now. It encourages myself to do the best for my education and organization. Since I've been in this 3rd semester, Saturday nite and Sunday morning always be my favorite time for relaxing. So, I arranged my style last Sunday as art.
We can't deny that people judge a book by its cover. Whatever the reason, we will judge someone by his/her look if we don't know him/her. But last sunday, I just wanted to show my passion in ethnic. Wherever I go, I will still love the unique of my own culture.
Senin, 09 September 2013
Little snow white
Now, now,
I'm gonna post a picture of my experiment while changing my short straight hair into curly.